
Why learn foreign languages? (spotkanie na Zoomie)

Steve Kaufmann

30 października o godz. 18:30

Why learn foreign languages? (spotkanie na Zoomie)

Steve Kaufmann

30 października o godz. 18:30

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Zostań słuchaczem Akademii 30+


  •   30 października o godz. 18:30
  •   platforma Zoom
  •   Liczba wolnych miejsc: 77 z 100
  •   Cena: 20 zł


This meeting will take the form of a conversation. We'll ask Steve some questions about learning foreign languages: 

Why should we learn them? What are the advantages of speaking a foreign language? Is everyone able to learn foreign languages? Do you need to have any special talent to do this? Is there one best method of learning foreign languages? Can you learn a foreign language at an older age? What mistakes do we most often make when we learn?

Zdjęcie ilutrujące wykład:


Steve Kaufmann – a Canadian polyglot and internet personality known for his language-learning content on YouTube and his online language-learning platform (LingQ). He was born in Sweden, but his parents lived in Czechoslovakia before the Second World War. In 1951 they decided to move to Montreal where Steve grew up. He studied politics at the Institut d’etudes politiques in France. He worked as a diplomat for the Canadian government and as a trade commissioner (he spent nine years in Tokyo). He speaks 20 languages in varying degrees of proficiency (among others: English, French, Swedish, Italian, German, Czech, Japanese, Mandarin, Russian and also … Polish). He learned most of the foreign languages he can speak when he was over 60. He advocates total immersion in the learning process. He places great emphasis on absorbing the language by reading texts and by not worrying about unfamiliar words, believing that they are gradually acquired through repeated reading. Steve Kaufmann is the father of political scientist Eric Kaufmann and ice hockey player Mark Kaufmann.

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